PCLI - MIGS: Changing Paradigm for Glaucoma Management
COPE #75758-GL
Event #123039


Surgical options for glaucoma patients have increased dramatically in the past few years. There are now several approved or emerging procedures in the MIGS (Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery) category that offer earlier and safer options for patients with and without cataract. This course will review the Pros/Cons of these procedures and help identify the best candidate for each one.
*This course has been underwritten and sponsored by Pacific Cataract and Laser Institute (PCLI)
  • Be able to identify good patient candidates for these procedures.
  • Be familiar with the MOA of MIGS procedures such as: iStent, XenGel, Hydrus.
  • Be familiar with pre- and post-operative evaluation of these procedures.
  • Understand the risks and benefits of these procedures.
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