The Glaucoma Compass
COPE #87024-GL
Event #126805
This interactive glaucoma lecture will review some of the classic tests for glaucoma including IOP measurement, gonioscopy and ONH imaging. It will also introduce and give participants the opportunity to get hands-on with the newer technology including OCT, VEP and pERG.
• To review and become more familiar with role of structure vs. function in the development of glaucoma.
• To review, become familiar, and gain more experience with VEP and pERG through discussion, clinical cases.
• To review, become familiar, and gain more experience with the various IOP measurement techniques and devices including Goldmann, Pascal, iCare and the ORA.
• To review, become familiar, and gain more experience with gonioscopy through discussion.
• To review, become familiar, and gain more experience with OCT through discussion, clinical cases.
• To review, become familiar, and gain more experience with ONH imaging devices through discussion, clinical cases.